Sunday, July 20, 2008

Beach Trip

Last week our new family of four took a trip to the beach and had a very relaxing time. I was prepared for it to be somewhat difficult with a 3 1/2 year-old who wants to swim all the time and a newborn who has to eat every 3 hours. But it really wasn't. It was very breezy by the pool so we just parked Kate in the shade and she slept while Josh and I played with Lynley. We had dinner with Michael and Claire and their boys. Lynley and Luke hit it off- they have equal amounts of energy so we decided it would be best if we just ordered pizza and stayed in the condo. After the night was over, I was very glad we were not at someone's house. It was a miracle nothing was broken! Also, Lynley met a friend at the pool that was the exact same age as her and they had a blast swimming together. Everyday she wanted to go down to the pool and play with Conner. I attached a picture of the two of them lounging on a raft. Overall, it was a great family trip and we're already ready to go back!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Our Little Fish

Because we go to the pool so much and Lynley has no fear of the water, I decided it was time she take swimming lessons. I really didn't think she would be able to swim after one week of swim lessons, I just wanted her to learn some water safety and be able to get herself over to the wall and out of the pool in case she were to fall in. However, by the last day she was swimming like a pro. She swims underwater with her eyes open and a big smile on her face. Since learning to swim, she wants no part of the baby pool. We have to go straight to the big pool so she can jump off the wall and swim to us. The only drawback to her learning to swim is that she wants mom and dad in the pool too!

Bath Time

One of Lynley's favorite things to do is give Kate a bath. She begins asking everyday around 4:00 p.m. if it's time to bathe her yet. I probably wouldn't normally bathe her every day because she doesn't get that dirty. But Lynley gets so excited about it that I can't resist. She takes bath time very seriously!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Exciting Month of May

Now that I know how to upload pictures onto the blog I want to highlight some of the events that happened most recently. Our family had a BIG May. Lynley had her first dance recital which she was so excited about. She wasn't too sure about her costume at first. She's not really into really frilly things and this costume had a tutu on it. There were a few tears the first time she tried it on but after she realized everyone else in her class would be wearing it she was ok with it. By recital time she was very excited about it, as you can see in the picture.

Also, on May 29th, Kate was born. I have attached a few pictures right after she was born. She looks totally different now. Her little nose is not flattened down anymore and she's much more wide-eyed now. God has blessed us with such a good baby! She's pretty happy unless we are trying to change her daiper, change her clothes, or lay her down and try to get something done around the house!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

9 to 5

We slept through the night! Even though Kate has been a great sleeper since coming home from the hospital, she went from 9:00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m. without making a peep. We have been so blessed with two great sleepers. I'm not sure what I would do if they didn't since I require quite a bit of sleep too. They obviously took after me in this area!

I took Kate to the doctor last Thursday for her 1 month appointment and she weighed 8lbs., 1 oz. and 22 inches long. Kate weighed more and was shorter than Lynley at birth but now weighs less and is longer than Lynley was at her 1 month appointment. Also, I may not have mentioned to some of you that Kate has dark blue eyes while Lynley's have always been dark brown. I can't wait to see if they end up looking similar or totally different.

We saw Kate smile for the first time on July 1st. It is the sweetest thing to look down at her and see those bright eyes and big smile. She's definitely getting a personality and starting to notice everything going on around her. You can see her smiling in the picture I attached but everytime the camera flashed she closed her eyes.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Entering the World of Blogging

Ok, I've decided to start a blog ( I guess that's the correct terminology). I've become so addicted to reading other people's that I'm now going to create one of my own. I think it will be a great way to let family and friends keep up with what's going on in our lives. I'm still in the beginning stages of setting it up so it may take a while for me to get the hang of it. As of now, my computer skills consist of being able to type a letter and surfing the internet. We'll see how it goes.