I know it has been forever since I updated this blog but it has been a crazy two months! Since Thanksgiving my head has been spinning and I have not sat down. Between Thanksgiving programs, Christmas shopping, teacher gifts, class parties, Holiday Parties, baking goodies to have on hand for those who bake goodies for us, and going out of town I have been too tired at night to even turn the computer on. I am writing this from the beach where I can finally relax and think through all the fun things that have happened over the last two months. Here at the beach we are celebrating Lynley's 4th birthday today! And Kate turned 7 months yesterday. It's hard to believe I both of those numbers. It seems like just yesterday I was in the hospital having Kate. And I can't believe I'm old enough to have a 4-year-old!!
Kate has changed so much in the last few months. She started sitting up a few days before 6 months (I know I'm in trouble again!) and she's finally chunked up a little. She is such a pleasant baby and will sit for an hour on a quilt and just play by herself. I often forget she's there. On Christmas Eve, she sat and played with red tissue paper for at leat 45 minutes. She was much more enthralled with that than the toys. She's very verbal and to Josh's pleasure her favorite word to babble is "dada".
Lynley fully enjoyed the holiday season this year and seemed to really understand it. She would come home from school and tell me all about Joseph and Mary and baby Jesus and how Christmas is celebrating Jesus' birthday. She also thoroughly enjoyed going to the mall and sitting on Santa's lap. We did it once to get her picture taken and then 2 more times just so she could tell him what she wanted. However, the day after Christmas she asked Josh if Santa was real or pretend (her words exactly). Josh said "what do you think?" She looked at me with a doubtful look, shook her head and said "I think he's pretend" We didn't say anything and she dropped it. Santa may not last long at our house! She never ceases to amaze me with the things she comes up with. On the way to the mall one day (one of the many days it rained and we had to get out of the house) she said "Mommy, I want to eat at the food court again". I told her ok and she says "Again, what does again mean?" I answer with "it means to do something over, or a 2nd time, again. She says, "I didn't ask what redundant meant, I asked what again meant". I have no idea where she got that word because I don't think I've ever used that word around her! She cracks me up all the time.
Now we're at the beach having a relaxing family vacation and it is wonderful down here. Pretty warm and very sunny. I've posted pictures from the last few months, including Lynley's thanksgiving program, Christmas, etc. Enjoy, and I'll try to be better in the future.
Yay! I have been missing y'all. I love all the pictures....both of the girls are growing up! Let's catch up soon:)
Yea for a new post! Looks like you had a great holiday season!
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